Crypto for Wild Hearted Women

It’s time to get educated.


Ready to get started in crypto? 

We’re here to help you get started in owning your financial health like never before.

There’s a whole new era of the Internet ahead, and it’s called Web 3.0. If you’ve been hearing terms like “BTC,” “ETH,” “NFTs,” “alt coins,” and “minting” — and it feels like a tough-to-learn language where you don’t even know where to start, we’re here to help.

You’re not too late. It’s still very early in the game, so let’s get you on the playing field with our women-led educational crypto workshops.

Did you know that 81% of current participants in the $10 trillion crypto industry are male?

Let’s not create another financial industry where women, especially those of color, are left behind. These sessions are designed especially to be a female-friendly space!

Here’s the truth about crypto: there’s a very, very steep learning curve and unless you have people guiding you along when you hit hurdles, it can be easy to give up.

We want you IN, not left out.

Let’s get you educated and create a safe space for you to ask questions in order for us all to rise up and own our freedom like never before.


What can I expect from an #AskUsAnything session?


Our #AskUsAnything sessions will get you started on topics like:

  • Understanding your investment thesis

  • Dollar-cost-averaging into Bitcoin or Ethereum

  • Setting up a digital wallet

  • Why it’s essential to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH

  • How to identify potential scams

  • Why FOMO is real and your mental health is vital

  • And much more!

There are so many pitfalls out there, and many of them costly. These collaborative educational sessions are designed especially for beginners. We won’t cover all topics in every session, as there’s so much to learn and everything is continually and rapidly changing, but these sessions will help you get started.

Understanding this industry is like a full-time job, where you always feel like you’ve arrived late to the meeting! This is why it’s essential to have opportunities to ask the right questions and feel empowered to step into the space.

Ready to attend your first #AskUsAnything session? Sign up below to save your spot for our first workshop in May!


Meet Your Mentors

Your tour guides for crypto, NFTs, and Web 3.0


Lindsay Russo

Lindsay Russo has been investing, trading, and staking crypto over the last couple of years and making exceptional gains during the bull market. She’s developed strategies to stay stable during the bear market, too. Her direct access to top-level crypto experts offers insights she’s able to proficiently teach, including her authentic sharing on what she’s gained and lost, so you can normalize your own experience and shortcut your way to wisdom in this field. As a former founder of a 500-hr certified advanced yoga training company, Lindsay’s adept at helping simplify complex ideas you can apply into your own life.


Judy Tsuei

Judy Tsuei has been diving into the heart of Web3 to advance her branding & marketing agency, including owning several NFTs. She's attending VeeCon in May 2022 with her business partner, Adrian X. Olvera and launching their NFT sister marketing agency. With Lindsay’s guidance, Judy's learned how to build a crypto financial portfolio from scratch, rebuilding her financial stability after a divorce and international moves, in order to support her daughter as they thrive in one of the most expensive places to live in the country.


Join the Crypto Workshop Waitlist


We’ll keep you up to date on all upcoming & exciting crypto opportunities.**

**IMPORTANT NOTE: Nothing we share during these events or on our Site constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information, before making any decisions based on such information. In exchange for participating in our events, you agree not to hold Lindsay Russo or Judy Tsuei, its affiliates or any third party service provider liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on information or other Content made available to you through us.