I quit my job! Here’s why…

When was the last time you said “yes” to yourself in a big way?

That’s precisely what I did when I recently quit my W-2 job.

For those of you who thought Wild Hearted Words was my only gig — it’s not. A couple of years ago, a client asked if I’d consider coming on full-time. They had a position, which was admittedly junior to my experience level, but they also knew about my many other endeavors: my company, writing my book, and my podcast.

They said that as long as I could manage their work in balance with everything else I cared about, they’d be cool with it.

As a mother rebuilding my life after my divorce, I said “yes.” It was the smart thing to do, especially because it provided health insurance for us and a 401(k).

Then, because growth is what I’m after, I vied for a bigger position within the company. I was also hedging my bets and putting myself out there to earn more. While they worked on an opportunity for me, it never came to fruition.

This last week, the Creative Director said, “I need to have a serious talk with you.”

He wanted to discuss my performance, about how I was missing things here and there.

“Do you need to come into the office more? How can we get you to where we need you to be?”

I took a deep breath, then said, “Y’know what? I think we’ve come to the end of the road. I think it’s time I move on.”

I took responsibility and acknowledged that he was right, told him how disappointed I was that the other position never came to fruition, and how it would be a disservice for me to stay at the company.

I spoke with the Creative Director openly. Honestly.

I respected my colleagues. I also respected my own dreams and purpose.

“I think you’d all be better suited by someone more green who’s eager to do this work,” I acknowledged. “I’m grateful for this opportunity, especially as a divorced mom, but it’s time for me to give my company a fair go. It would be a disservice to you all and to myself if I stayed — I would be negatively impacting the team and the output, and I wouldn’t be living my greatest gifts or purpose.”

He looked slightly surprised. Then added, “You know this is nothing personal. You know we all love having you here.”

I ended the conversation by saying that I hadn’t shut the door completely, but that now everything was out on the table. By the end of the day, he came back with the conclusion that I should send in my resignation letter and we agreed the last day of employment would be July 7.

That’s the day before I start my Master Neurolinguistic Programming training — and the next chapter of making my dreams become reality.

If you want to hear about how committing to my Master NLP training led to three pivotal moments when the Universe helped work things out in my favor, tune in to the next episode of my F*ck Saving Face podcast coming out on June 26th.

What I’m most eager about is the fact that, as my friend pointed out, I’ve spent the last five years since being back in the country laying my foundation — now it’s time to build the house.

And, as my therapist has reminded me, I don’t need to keep doing “all the things.” As it stands right now, I’ve done enough.

I am enough.

My daughter also doesn’t need all the things I think she does to be happy.

“You grew up with a lot less,” she’s told me. “Your daughter will be okay.”

Sucess. Redefined.

There are several key things I’m looking forward to as I leave my W-2 job and focus on Wild Hearted Words:

  • Meaningful time freedom

  • Engaging with my writing + design team to attract aligned clients like never before. Last year, I built a $200K “side hustle” within 365 days, so my new goal from July 7th, 2023 to July 7, 2024 is $500K — all through creating a positive impact.

  • Surfing with my mom friends whenever we want

  • Marketing myself without having an invisible shroud of “Is this okay? What will my full-time job think?” holding me back

  • Giving my mind + heart the bandwidth to write my book

  • Reveling in present moments to appreciate how hard I’ve worked

If you’d like to cultivate success on your own terms too, get my free 5-minute guided meditation to align your energy and intention to manifest the life of your dreams.

Join me in learning about NLP.

Curious about Neurolinguistic Programming?

My Master Practitioner course starts in July and in the meantime, you can get 50% off any upcoming training using my code: JUDYNLP.

Those four days can transform your understanding of how to use your mind to achieve your goals in more streamlined and effective ways.

Click on the image below to learn more.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.


The Journey of a Child of Immigrants: Embracing Resilience, Healing, and Personal Growth


Embracing the Journey: Learning, Patience, and Making an Impact