Living with Purpose: Embracing Joy, Boundaries, and Self-Fulfillment

“If you died today, your obituary would be filled with accomplishments,” my therapist said. “So, there’d be no regrets.”

I used to say — in fact, I said this a lot on the first three seasons of my podcast — that I read a quote about being “thoroughly used up” at the end of your life, and that’s how I used to make up my days.

Now, I’m older.


And not trying to hustle & grind anymore, because a lot of that was coming from a place of “not good enough” or “trying to prove my worth” as much as it was me being sure I applied my fullest potential.

Now, I’m in pursuit of joy.

Of play.

Of savoring.

Because what’s the point of working this hard if I don’t give myself permission to enjoy it?

Case in point:

I told EOA that I’m going to graciously decline their invitation to join.

I’m putting up healthier boundaries with clients — and my rates are now truly reflective of my expansive & unique expertise.

I’m choosing to relish the Sun coming out by sitting outside on my wonderful egg chair on my gorgeous lawn, listening to the birds, and drinking coffee my eight-year-old daughter made for me this morning.

“Stay in bed, Mom! Don’t get up!”

She made it just right, strong with oat milk, using a French press, after she made herself a bowl of cereal with chia seeds and fruit.

I’m about to launch season 4 of my podcast, with a new editor I’m totally aligned and excited to work with.

I’m about to launch a group mini-Mastermind that’s proven to change women’s lives before — I’m absolutely stoked to get back into what I love: teaching! And, I’m excited to see how much more powerful the impact is given the deep knowledge and life experiences I’ve acquired over the last five years since I offered my last one.

And tonight, I’ll be going to a gala event with my partner who loves me so remarkably, that I feel beautiful, seen, safe, and respected. He honors me like no one else I’ve ever been with, and through that love, I’m inspired to step into more greatness.

Best of all, I get to drop off my daughter to a sleepover with one of my closest friends & her kids, knowing my friend will keep an exceptionally protective eye on my daughter while I’m still living my life as a divorced mom.

All of those things have a different energy to them.

They’re not about status.

They’re not about jamming as many “highlights” as I can share on a social media reel.

They’re not about filling a void.

They’re about ways of filling me up, rather than feeling depleted and drained.

And that’s all awesome.

If you’re a driven, creative woman going through a substantial life shift (divorce, career, single parenting), and you’re looking for private support that’ll give you clarity on the next best life strategy step to make, Send me a message.

You’re totally not alone. And, there’s absolutely no shame here.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.

Trusting the Universe: A Journey of Serendipity, Intuition, and Rebuilding


Harmonizing Heart and Mind: Mastering Self through Rhythms and Articulation