Episode 96: [Mindfulness] The most powerful mindset shift you need for personal growth and fulfillment.

In this podcast episode, Judy Tsuei, founder of Wild Hearted Words, reflects on her birthday celebration and her personal growth journey. She discusses her community of friends, her NLP training, and her work as a branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs of color. Judy emphasizes the importance of deep connections and letting go of limiting beliefs. She shares her experiences with NLP training, the positive changes it has brought to her life, and her desire to help others through this work. Judy also discusses the significance of core values and offers a meditation practice to celebrate oneself. She concludes by inviting listeners to explore her coaching services.

Key takeaways:

  1. Unleash your true potential: Listen to Judy’s journey of self-acceptance and success

  2. Discover your core values: The key to unlocking your true potential

  3. Move away from pain or towards pleasure: Which motivator will lead to lasting success?

  4. Celebrate your growth: Reframe challenges and embrace success

  5. Visualize your success: How to anchor positive feelings for continued growth and joy

  6. Empowering female founders of color: Judy’s coaching services for success and fulfillment

Episode Highlights:

[00:02:10] The power of connection and core values — Judy discusses the importance of connection and how understanding core values can lead to achieving desired results.

[00:03:10] The journey towards self-acceptance — Judy reflects on her therapist's advice to let go of the fear of being alone and the importance of feeling okay with oneself.

[00:05:24] Using NLP techniques for personal and professional growth — Judy talks about how she applies NLP techniques in her work as a branding and marketing consultant and coach for female entrepreneurs of color.

[00:09:39] The NLP Training and Parts Integration Exercise — Judy discusses her motivation for signing up for NLP training and how the parts integration exercise helped her see the connection between her marketing and coaching businesses.

[00:10:29] Shifting Relationship with Parents and Writing a Memoir — Judy talks about how the parts integration exercise helped her reframe her relationship with her parents and how it impacted her decision to write a memoir.

[00:13:45] The Power of NLP and Offering Services — Judy shares her excitement about the transformative power of NLP and invites listeners to reach out if they are feeling stuck or seeking clarity in their lives.

[00:19:21] Core Values Exercise — Judy discusses the importance of identifying and aligning with your top five core values for achieving goals.

[00:20:30] Move Away vs Move Toward Motivation — Judy explains the difference between being motivated by moving away from pain and moving towards pleasure.

[00:24:55] Celebratory Practice — Judy guides a mindfulness practice focused on celebrating oneself and channeling the energy of the sun.

[00:32:03] The feeling of self-acceptance — Judy encourages listeners to take a moment to honor themselves and reframe challenges as life lessons, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance.

[00:34:18] Planting seeds for growth and joy — Judy invites listeners to anchor in the feeling of growth, wisdom, joy, and celebration, and encourages them to let these be the seeds for even more positive experiences.

[00:35:56] Promoting her coaching services — Judy mentions that she coaches female founders of color, helping them overcome limiting beliefs and lack of clarity, and invites listeners to reach out to her for more information.

Full Transcript:

Speaker 1 (00:00:02) - Welcome to the Saving Face podcast, where we're empowering mental and emotional health for Asian Americans and voices of color by breaking through taboo topics. Life may not always be pretty, but it is indeed beautiful. Make your story beautiful today. In case you're new to this show, my name is Judy Tsuei and I'm the founder of Wild Hearted Words. We are a strategic branding and content marketing agency, and we focus on working with female entrepreneurs of color to create sustainable six figure success. If you'd like to experience what it's like to work with me, you can sign up for my latest masterclass that's available on my website at Wild Hearted Words. Com Forward Slash shop. It's called Overcoming Challenges and Traumas Through Mindset Shifts and Manifestation. And when you sign up for the audio course, that's about an hour. You'll also get a bonus PDF filled with incredible affirmations that you can practice every day to welcome in the life you'd like to have for a limited time. The course is now only $19. Again, go to Wild Heart Awards.

Speaker 1 (00:01:07) - Com forward slash shop. Now on to the episode. Today is my birthday and I'm turning 45. And there are so many things that I have in my life now to celebrate and one of which is just an amazing community of friends who I consider family. We had such a sweet, lovely celebration yesterday at my friend's house after paddling out for surf in the morning because of this technique that I learned in my advanced NLP training, I'm able to tune in to my unconscious awareness and I'm able to broaden the horizons of what it is that I can see. So the two days that I practice this technique, which took literally a second before I got into the water, dolphins appeared closer than I've ever seen them before. It was almost as though I could reach out and touch them. They were right there at the nose of my board. So yesterday we paddled out and then we had this lovely celebration at my friend's house where they have a brick oven. And the husband is so wonderful at making these delicious pizzas.

Speaker 1 (00:02:10) - And it was just a very intimate gathering of some of my favorite people on the planet. I am beyond grateful for the community that I've created because connection to me is one of my core values. And that's something else that we work on in NLP is understanding that unless something is in your top five core values, you actually won't take action on them or you won't see the results that you want to see. So for a lot of people, you know, the common thing is to say, I want to make a lot of money, but then you're not really seeing the results in your business or in your career. And then people are confused as to why, because they think that they're doing all the things that they need to do. But when you really do this core values exercise that we learned, you can see where your values fall on that scale. And people are often very surprised that income or wealth often is at the bottom of the list. So in order to really achieve the results that your conscious mind wants to achieve, you've got to do these practices to move those core values up into your top five.

Speaker 1 (00:03:10) - So connection for me is definitely one of the most important things, and I've been so grateful at how fulfilling my life has been from that perspective, and it's something that I continued to work on with my therapist because from the environment that I grew up in with my traditional Chinese parents and how chaotic it was at home, I really felt the need to and it wasn't a conscious decision. Again, it was an unconscious decision of collecting relationships. And that's something that my therapist has pointed out, that you are no longer you do not need to be in that scarcity mindset anymore, that fear that you won't have anyone in your corner, you won't have anyone to support you in terms of mentally, emotionally or even just to feel connected to so that you're not so alone on this planet. So the thing that I didn't realize that I had started doing was collecting relationships, and she said that that is totally just moving my energy all over the place. And so it's depleting me instead of choosing a few select relationships that I can go very deep with and then pulling that energy back in for myself.

Speaker 1 (00:04:15) - So she said, the next level of the things that we're going to work on together is feeling okay with being alone. I'm like, I'm fine being alone. I'm an introvert. I spend a lot of time alone and I'm happy about it. And I think she means from a core perspective of knowing that I'm okay no matter what happens around me, no matter whatever it is that's unfolding, that at my core, I'm going to be okay. And that's one of the reasons that I'm so excited for the second week, which I'm starting later today of my master NLP training. These are techniques that I get to now take into the work that I do from both whether I'm doing this with my branding and marketing clients, because it's positively going to impact sales, it's going to be huge on mindset and also it's going to be extremely immensely value producing for my clients by understanding how languaging works and understanding even more deeply how consumer psychology works so that we can achieve the goals that the client wants to achieve together. And then from a coaching perspective.

Speaker 1 (00:05:24) - So for the female entrepreneurs of color who I work with and who I coach, and the moment that I left my W-2 and open up and focused on this, I immediately had two clients reaching out saying, you know, I want to work with you. Can you help lend clarity on this next decision that I want to make? Or I'm not really sure what my next chapter is going to be? Can you help me with that? So I'm now able to take these techniques and very quickly help people move out of the stories that they've been telling themselves and into the life that they want to have. And so one of the things that we also learned in NLP is that instead of listening to the content of what someone's saying, so like the actual words and the, you know, just experiences and all of that kind of stuff, what you're really trying to identify is context. So you're also identifying these patterns. And understanding how they're thinking and what it is that they're really looking for in order to provide that to them, to change their lives in positive ways.

Speaker 1 (00:06:23) - And so it's been tremendously eye opening as a storyteller. And to understand how we pull in the energy from our higher conscious, how our conscious minds work, and then how we can connect to our unconscious minds to really create the kind of reality that we want to experience. Because one of the things that NLP continually teaches you is that at every single second, you're getting 2 million bits of information, but your brain can only handle 126 bits of that. So if you imagine that 2 million toothpicks are scattered on the ground and you can only grab 126 of those that forms your reality, that's your mindset, what you're thinking, what you're seeing. And so if you drop that 126 and you pick up another 126, you're going to have a very different reality. So how can we work with clients to help them reframe and see a different. Path forward. If you're feeling stuck, if you're not seeing the results that you want in your life, if you want to find your purpose, if you want to channel more clarity, all of that and you can do it with so much more ease and joy.

Speaker 1 (00:07:31) - One of the women who I met at the NLP training when I mentioned that it's my birthday this weekend, we went out to dinner and she asked, What have you learned? What do you want to leave behind and what are you looking forward to in the year ahead? So I've learned in my 44th year all about strength and being bold and taking risks and trusting myself and trusting the universe. I have, you know, been doing a lot of things for security because I'm a divorced mom. I provide the majority of the financial support for my daughter. And so I wanted to make sure that I'm doing right because I know historically I've made impulsive decisions and they have or have not led to the kind of outcomes that I was hoping for. So now that I have a dependent, I wanted to make sure that I'm doing right by her. And so that was why I had a W2 job in addition to my company and my team, in addition to the podcast and writing the book and all of the things.

Speaker 1 (00:08:30) - And so as I'm working on moving my core values around and understanding what's a true priority and what truly makes me happy, then I've been able to feel more emboldened to take purposeful risks, to get closer to the goals that I want to have. And so the freedom and the excitement that I feel now of being able to focus on my company is extremely rewarding. As my daughter would say. It makes me feel innervated, which is a combination of nervous and excited. But I have this sense of curiosity and even playfulness of what's to come knowing that I've done, you know, a lot of the right steps. I've taken them over the last five years since we've been back in the country. And so to give myself the space and the grace to step into who I want to be and to also have that sense of both compassion and celebration for myself, for all of the things that I've worked so hard to cultivate that I'm now giving myself permission to enjoy. Now what do I want to leave behind? I want to leave behind limiting beliefs.

Speaker 1 (00:09:39) - And this was a huge reason why I sign up for the NLP training. I wanted to really get deep into my unconscious mind, to reframe, to do whatever it took so that I could step into that sense of greatness that I know that I have within. And one of the exercises is called parts integration. So this is totally right for you. If you've ever said, you know, a part of me feels like this and a part of me feels like that. And so when I did the initial beginner training in LA, I was brought up as the demo on the stage to do this exercise with this man who runs the company. He owns the company. They've been doing this for 40 something years. I'm probably getting that number wrong. It might even be greater than that. And so when I was brought on stage, I was coming in with a part of me wants to build my marketing and branding business and a part of me wants to build my coaching business. And I thought that they were separate.

Speaker 1 (00:10:29) - And, you know, I couldn't in my mind, figure out how to really fold the two together or do either one to the max capacity and capability. When we did this parts integration exercise, not only did that completely melt away so that I could absolutely see with full clarity how that could happen and how easily that could happen. The other profound change that shifted was the fact that my relationship with my parents has fundamentally changed in the best of ways. And I had worked with a book coach two years ago to create this proposal. I actually ended up being able to talk to a CIA agent who represented Barack Obama. You know, I got to talk to some bigwig people about my pitch, essentially, and they were saying that memoir is hard to pitch because you have to have a big platform. ET cetera. ET cetera. But I only pitched it to two agents, and that was it. And then I kind of shelved it. And it wasn't because their response made me question whether or not I should write this book.

Speaker 1 (00:11:31) - I know 1,000% that I'm going to write it. It was just more that I think my unconscious mind understood. I didn't yet have the ending that I wanted for this story. And yes, it would have been very helpful and supportive and provide a lot of great resources for the way that I was going to write it then. But for me personally, I wanted something redemptive. I wanted something that encapsulated the respect that my soul has for what my parents have gone through, for what their parents have gone through, for the trauma that they experienced in their lives, emigrating and fleeing from China to Taiwan and then from Taiwan over here to the US. And I wanted to tell the story with deep respect for their individual and collective journeys. And so I knew that there was something that was just not quite there yet. And through this parts integration exercise, I was able to not only completely reframe and shift the way that I see my parents, but the love that I have for them and the way that I show up as a mother to my own daughter.

Speaker 1 (00:12:40) - I think the ripple effects are continually happening. I'm so much more calm in any situation around all of them, and I get to respect their version of reality. So NLP is all about being ecological, which means that you respect someone else's version of reality. You don't say like, No, that's not how you do it. Or, you know, just because you don't agree that you then have to have conflict you can respect. That's their version of reality. And so ecological means that it's sustainable, it's healthy, it's creating a whole human and bringing that whole health. And so I am now able to see my parents as they are now, and I can honor and respect their boundaries and have this shift within me as well to see that it doesn't impact me the same way it doesn't. What would previously be frustrating or even like trigger things from childhood? I don't feel that anymore. And instead I just have this deep love for them, which is something that I have not been able to access probably since childhood, before all of the trauma had ever happened.

Speaker 1 (00:13:45) - And so this is this work that I am learning and that I am practicing for myself and that I'm doing with my clients is remarkable. And it's just so game changing and so life changing in so many ways that I'm extremely excited. I keep using extremely in this episode. I am. I'm extremely excited to bring this forward and, you know, offer it as a service in the World Service to help everyone move forward in the ways that they want to do that is holistic and healing and life giving and joyful. It's funny because I just paused this recording to drink some water and it's 716 and that is my birthday. So the reason that I'm sharing all of this with you is because I would love if any of this speaks to you, for you to go to my website, go to my contact form wild hearted words and send me a message. Or if you want to reach out to me directly, it's Judy at wild hearted words. And if you are feeling stuck, if there are parts of you, if you've ever said that sentence before, a part of me wants to do this, a part of me wants to do that.

Speaker 1 (00:14:58) - If you're looking for clarity on the next chapter of your life and what you're supposed to do, you're feeling, you know, just not fulfilled by what you're doing now and you know that you have a greater calling and a greater purpose, but you're not fully clear as to what that is or how to take the steps to figure that out, or then how to take the steps to achieve that. Once you do figure it out, let me know if you are a divorced parent. If you are a human being who wants to elevate and expand your consciousness within yourself, to expand the impact that you can make on the planet, I want to hear from you because these sessions are so powerful and they're so powerful so quickly, which is just remarkable to me because when you are able to get the conscious mind out of the way and really connect to the unconscious mind, the results come about so much quicker and with so much ease. So if that's interesting to you, please do reach out to me. I would love to hear from you and see if we would be a good fit to work together.

Speaker 1 (00:15:52) - Alrighty. So as I'm getting ready to go paddle out, the sun is out now in San Diego. The water is getting warmer. Even these NLP techniques have made me a better surfer in just like a week. And so and, you know, just things clicking in my mind finally of understanding like, oh my God, this is something that I've been trying to master for like ten years and I'm finally getting it now with such ease. So I'm going to guide you through a really quick birthday meditation. And this is designed to feel feelings of arriving so that you've worked really hard and you're here now. And there is, yes. A path ahead that you want to achieve, things you want to do, you know, places you want to go, things you want to see, people you want to meet, all of that kind of stuff that's fantastic. And to celebrate and revel in this moment as you're preparing for the next one. So this mindfulness practice will be all about celebration. And there's a key reason that I'm offering this practice today.

Speaker 1 (00:17:02) - As adults, we often forget to celebrate and acknowledge ourselves. We don't honor how hard we've worked, the discipline that we've shown, the pitfalls that we've overcome, the moments of doubt and how we've really worked through our own mindset to get to where we want to go. And so this mindfulness practice is designed to honor and celebrate you where you are right now. But there's a reason that I'm offering it as well. From a mindset perspective. If you're a female founder of color, if you are a divorced parent, if there's anything that you are working towards as a bigger goal in your life, I want you to understand two key things. So one is that it's so important to know what your core values are. Your conscious mind is the goal setter. Your unconscious mind is the goal getter, so your unconscious mind cannot actually process negations. It also understands best in pictures and metaphors, which is why storytelling is so important. But the key, important fact is that if you have set a goal and yet your core values, the top five core values are not aligned to that goal.

Speaker 1 (00:18:15) - Your unconscious mind actually won't achieve it, even though it's the goal getter. Your top five values, whatever they are, they're wired within you. And there's an opportunity to shift that with the different practices that I've been working with in our master practitioner training. And it's fascinating because then all of a sudden you'll be able to align what it is that you want to see from a conscious perspective and getting your unconscious mind to work with you so that your, you know, align as this team. But a lot of people let's take, for example, financial wealth. A lot of people will say we've been conditioned by society, by culture. Our capitalistic Western society says like, this is what you need to be happy, these external things. So a lot of times if we haven't done our deep core value work, we will say that the same things because of course like, you know, having greater resources can provide different benefits such as time, freedom, travel, the ability to have that kind of peace of mind or whatever it is, whatever your motivations are behind that.

Speaker 1 (00:19:21) - However, if your value of money and wealth is actually dropped down and let's say spot 12 or 15, it will never create the kind of results that you want or could have unless it's in the top five. So we actually won't take action unless something's aligned to those top five core values. So I want to ask you if you know what those are and to be really honest with yourself. So when we did this exercise in our master training, it was really eye opening for all of us to see what actually came up and what was actually the most important. So at the beginning of this episode, I said that connection and community are one of my core values. That's actually where I derive a lot of joy and contentment. The photos that I saw from my birthday celebration, the happiness that I could feel exuding from myself within those photos. And that has been consistently the comment that I've gotten from other people who've seen the photos is you look purely happy like joy. And it was because I was surrounded by people I love.

Speaker 1 (00:20:30) - So if, you know, just to take a moment before we dive into this mindfulness practice so you can gain clarity on what that is, and I highly encourage you to write them down and just do the stream of consciousness and be honest with yourself and then see is there a core value that's not in the top five that could be preventing me from achieving my goals and NLP techniques and the things that I've been training and learning how to do and working with different clients helps you move those into the order of priority where it will sync up with what it is that you want to achieve. So that's the first one that I want to first thing I want to say. The second thing is we as human beings are propelled by two key motivators. It's either a move away from or a move toward the away. Motivation is something like, I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to suffer anymore. I don't want to feel like this in my body anymore. I don't want to be in this relationship anymore.

Speaker 1 (00:21:28) - Things like that. The move toward is I would love to create a life that's so rewarding. I would love to have a career that makes me feel like I'm creating such a big impact. I would love to be able to have a home that is in this location because it would enable me to garden more or enable me to be outdoors more or whatever it is for you. So even just me saying that. Can you feel the difference? Can you feel it energetically, how different it feels? And so. There's nothing wrong with either. But I will simply explain to you that if you are using an away motivation, you often achieve the goal faster. But the sustainability is so much shorter. And the reason for that is whatever the pain point was that you started from, as you work towards your goal, the further away that you get from that original pain point, it's easy to forget why you started this in the first place, why you are working towards this goal. So then you start to slip down until you hit that pain point again and you remind yourself, Oh, right.

Speaker 1 (00:22:36) - That's why I was wanting to do this. And then you go slope back up, you move further away, forget what that original motivation was and slip right back down. And so this you can see in, let's say yo yo dieting, or you can see it in, yeah, you'll earn money, but then you'll also potentially lose the money right away, things like that. So the move toward motivation, you know, when I said I would love to have this kind of career, I would love to live in this kind of home. I would love to have this type of relationship. That energy is your striving and moving towards something that would really delight you, that would really fulfill you and align to your core values, that would make you feel that, you know, there's just so much potential, so much growth, and that has longevity, that has long term sustainability. But the key is, is that going back to what I said, that as adults we often forget to honor ourselves, to celebrate how hard we've worked, what we've done.

Speaker 1 (00:23:37) - What you want to do is when you move toward your goal at 90%, you celebrate and you really, you know, give yourself kudos for what it is that you've achieved. Then that last 10%, you take that as the first 10% of the next goal that you set. And so you're continually elevating, continually moving up, continually driving yourself forward. And that's how we create that sustainable momentum and how we enjoy the process as it's happening. If you'd like a free meditation practice to help you manifest the life of your dreams, go to wild hearted words. Com forward slash money. There you'll find a free five minute guided audio practice that you can download and use at any time to fit your own schedule. It's filled with beautiful affirmations, ways to keep you focused on your intention and a lovely practice that you can use regularly to keep your energy aligned to the life that you'd like to create. That's wild hearted words. Com forward slash money. All right. Let's get into our celebratory practice. Wherever you are, I encourage you to find a space where you can be still.

Speaker 1 (00:24:55) - I often encourage these mindfulness practices that you can fit them into your moving meditation. If you're in the middle of doing something, becoming more present. But for this practice, I would encourage you to find a place where you can be more quiet, be more still. So that you can really bring in that energy of celebration. And when I say bring it in, I'm talking about channeling it from all of the space around you, but also to call it forward from within you. So as you find that quiet space. Bring your attention and your awareness to your breath. And while I generally encourage a slow, deep belly breathing for this one, let's call forward the power of the sun, bringing it into our power center within us, below our belly buttons, and let's remind ourselves who we truly are. So if you feel comfortable, you can reach your arms out long as though you're creating, you know, a big line from your fingertips to fingertips and reach your arms up above, relaxing your shoulders and creating a big visualization of the sun as though you are encapsulating the sun above you as a halo around your head.

Speaker 1 (00:26:34) - Channel that fiery energy. And slowly breathing in feeling yourself fill up with that sun energy, feeling bright, powerful, fiery. This amazing heat, this life giving force. Breathe that in. And slowly, slowly, slowly, with your palms facing down to the earth. Move your palms down in front of your face. In front of your chest. All the way to your belly as you exhale. We'll do that a couple more times, Reaching your arms out, long palms facing up, reaching fingertip to fingertip. Inhale, Circle the arms up above your head, channeling that sun energy and when you feel filled up in your breath and in that energy. Beginning to exhale, palms facing down towards the earth and slowly push that energy down towards the mid centre and one more time reaching long, stretching out. Letting your palms and your fingertips emanate from your heart center so your arms are stretched out long like a t. Feeling that heart energy, that love energy palms up to receive, circling above your head, breathing in and pulling in that sun energy.

Speaker 1 (00:28:21) - And then when you feel filled up, exhale. Bringing the palms facing down in front of you, pushing that energy towards your belly center, and from there placing one hand to your heart, one hand to your belly, letting that integrate. And just notice the sensation. Perhaps you feel heat in your palms. Perhaps you feel tingling. Perhaps you feel more energized. It's good to wonder of all of your vastness how filled with potential you are. And notice how you feel now. So just with a little bit of slight movement connected to your breath, notice how you feel. And now we're going to take three cycles of cleansing, high breath. So when I was breaking the board, there was a one foot by one foot pine board that we broke in our NLP training where we wrote the goals on one side and the outcome and the obstacles on the other. And so we channeled in this energy from the sun really pulling it in. And then with every exhale, practicing what it would like to see you breaking through your obstacles towards your goals.

Speaker 1 (00:30:06) - So now you can relax your hands. And we'll focus on the exhalation this high energy. So visualizing that you're bringing in that solar power once more from up above you, this time your hands can rest by your side. You're using the power of visualization, breathing in. Filling yourself up. And then when you're ready, exhale with a loud sound. Imagining that every exhale is breaking through any boundary or obstacle that you have. Breathing in again. Filling up. Exhale. Loud. One more in. Exhale. Ha, ha. And just notice how you feel. So if it feels good for you, you can bring your palms to your low belly. That powerful center, the Sun Center that exists within you at the third chakra. And take a moment to celebrate yourself. Whatever it is. Perhaps it could be something you've been working hard at. It could be something that you've overcome. It could be simply showing up every day, being a kind human being. Whatever it is for you. Give yourself permission to celebrate.

Speaker 1 (00:32:03) - And notice how it feels. Notice how it feels to take a moment to pause, to give yourself credit, to potentially reframe the challenges as life lessons unfolding, wisdom, learning opportunities. And it feels good to just take a moment to honor yourself, doesn't it? So if there is something that you're realizing now that you could potentially shift from an away motivation towards a toward motivation. See if you can explore that now over the next few cycles of breath. If you are someone who sets toward motivations, can you anchor this now that you will celebrate at 90% and then you will take that next 10% and use that to be the first 10% of your next goal? Breathing in. Breathing out. And as we prepare to close this mindfulness practice today. What is the feeling that you can anchor right now? See what you see. Hear what you hear. Feel what you feel. Can you mix the picture brighter in your mind? Can you make it more vivid? Can you amplify the intensity of it? And then thinking of that sun energy that you pulled in.

Speaker 1 (00:34:18) - What exists around you and within you. Feeling this feeling. And take a moment to anchor it in. And let these be the seeds that are planted for even more growth, more wisdom, more joy, more moments to celebrate. When you're ready, float your eyes open. Come back into the space. Come back into the room. Wherever you are. And we're here. So thank you so much for tuning in to this episode. Look forward to the next episode to come. And if you want to learn more about what I'm doing as I'm coaching female founders of color and moving us through any limiting beliefs, any blocks, any lack of clarity for results much more quickly by channeling and understanding, connecting to your unconscious mind, working with your conscious mind and your higher self, then please do reach out to me. Have a lovely day. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. If you'd like to support me and this show, please go to iTunes and leave your review. It means so much to me and it'll help others find this podcast.

Speaker 1 (00:35:56) - I'll catch you in the next episode and if you'd like to stay in touch between now and then, please visit wild hearted words and sign up for my weekly newsletter. I've had people share with me that it's the best thing to arrive in their inbox all week. Aloha.


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Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.


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