She believed she could, so she did.

Maruxa Murphy is the founder of Perky Perky Coffee, which aims to invite women back into their power! She has 3 major loves in her life: Coffee, Conversation, and Community.

She believed she could, so she did. 

It didn’t matter that her brows were not perfect. That at 38 she has a blemish on her chin. That her nose has a little slant to one side or she gets redness under her eyes. Or that today, she didn’t feel like wearing makeup and took this picture anyway.

She believed she could... so she did.

Here’s the thing. I’m not perfect. I don’t try to be inspirational. I mess up a lot and yell at my kids way more than I care to admit. But... I want more. I want to live out of joy. I want to stop fearing what I’m missing because I am not “perfect”. And, what the hell is “perfect” anyway?

She believed she could so she DID.

Over the years, I’ve gotten WAVES of inspiration.

I take that inspiration and turn it into action. Fear still grips me again and again, and at this point…I can turn to it and say, “Hi. I see you there. Don’t worry, if there is real reason to fear, I’ll stop. If you are just here because that’s the default setting, I’m going to be sure to by pass you. Thankssomuch and have a good day.”

I realized I’m starting to get good at that — waving buh-bye to fear.

As I began to grow more and more into my relationships with my partners (life and business) they would challenge me to stand in my power, my voice, my uniqueness.

It’s truly been a road of challenging those fears. Learning to turn them into beliefs of “What if what they see in me is true?”

I started to give myself permission to “try” being the brave, inspiring, courageous, essence-living woman that they said I was…

…and ha! I was starting to show up for my own story. I was BRAVE for me. I was INSPIRING to me. I was COURAGEOUS for me. I was making decisions by living from the fullness of my ESSENCE… for me.

In leaning in to all that God’s built within me, I realized no one can ever take away my ability to show up for me. Not one single being.

So, I kept doing it - fighting my own Fear Battles - and started winning more often than I was losing.

I began to create.

Starting my own virtual conferences and summits agency in 2009 [Scared shitless]

Then I wrote an Amazon Best Seller children’s book [Ha! Freaked out]

Then I co-founded one of the largest and most incredible resources for moms in Austin [Talk about one foot in front of the other]

Then I built Perky Perky [No doubts, but most everyone else sure did]

And now, I coach and consult with brands and entrepreneurs that are here to empower women to show up in all they are through Female Powered, all while planning to become the next media mogul for more women’s voices to be heard [many days, I think WTF, who me?!]

I keep finding myself push past my place of puke as my friend and client Stephanie Roman encourages me to do. But I do it… because I’ve been here a lot and I know all will be OK.

Other women started to take notice and asked if I could help them face their fears too So that they could start their movements, strengthen their messages, create space where more GOOD can birth.

With fear creeping in, I pushed aside that Fear Battle one more time… and I said yes… and wow.

Out of all the things I’ve said YES too, this has been the most fulfilling.

She, too, believed she could so she DID.

Building a business is like getting a PhD in your own personal development, and it’s been a pleasure seeing women show up for their stories. Show up for more of what they WANT.

For example, my Mama friend Autumn… she came to me from the direct sales world doing around $4K per month. 4 months later, she broke through her own personal wall and made over $12K and continues to do so. Her husband even left his own career to partner with her to grow the company!

Or Sarah, who started as a stay-at-home mom, looking to get back into the workplace. In just 4 months, she pushed past her fears of the unknown and is now considered a leader in community building space and getting opportunities to lead large organizations of local political activism groups, which is a huge passion for her.

Or Stephanie (mentioned above), who tripled her revenue through working with me as she began to stand for a message much bigger than she ever dared to do before (but was in her heart the whole time)

...and that's just 3 of many I've supported to reach their favorite audiences...

She believed she could so she DID.

What do you believe you could do?

If you’re ready to stop fearing the What Ifs or trying to be perfect, and you are ready start growing something that even just 6 months from now, you’d be proud to know you’ve created an audience for…

...then, get to know Maruxa and dive into the strategies she's used over and over again to break free from her own mental chains and into creating conversations, movements and thought leaders that are impacting their own lives and therefore, those they serve with the message with them.

Join her FREE Female Powered Facebook Group and begin living your life because YOU are worth it!


About Maruxa Murphy

When Maruxa ("Muh-roo-shah") came up with the idea for Perky Perky, she knew she wanted to build a lifestyle brand that brought together coffee, conversation and community to one another. She begins with coffee to lead the conversation around what we can do to remind ourselves of the beautiful, strong, courageous, smart, unique, creative, powerful, brilliance we have within each of us, and build a movement of women that are doing more of what they love in this world!

She’s now working on creating a media company and more! Follow her as she empowers women to “Do Today Powerfully.”

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.

What is magic storytelling?
